ClickCease Introducing Briefing in Mediatool! | Mediatool

Introducing Briefing in Mediatool!


Create marketing briefs in mediatool

Remote working has many benefits, but one thing it has highlighted is the importance of team collaboration, and the lack of it from using systems that no longer work the same from home. Where in the past you could pop over to a colleague’s desk if you couldn’t find a document, that process now takes much longer. We’ve all experienced the back and forth of working documents, realising you’re editing the wrong iteration, sharing links, emails, Slack messages, the list goes on.

Let’s face it, it’s not working! And as marketers we have enough platforms to use without any others robbing us of our time. With 32% of CMOs saying they have no strategy for their martech stack and add new tools on a case-by-case basis, make sure you’re not in that 32%!

To help our customers improve their marketing processes and reduce the amount of steps it takes to get the job done, we’re launching our new Briefing feature!

What’s changed with Briefing?

Improve pre-campaign planning and speed up team collaboration by creating and drafting briefs directly in Mediatool. This new feature will:

  • Speed up the briefing and approval process
  • Enable team alignment from the get-go
  • Provide clarity over your plans
  • Improve security of your briefs

Speed up the briefing and approval process

Create briefs for new or existing media plans and view them in context in your planning dashboard. By selecting elements like Market or Product tags and setting targets and budgets, with your brief description and creative attachments in one place, it gives you and those you’re briefing full context as to what’s needed.

Save time and avoid repetitive work by saving templates of your briefs for your team to use next time. If someone in your team is creating a future brief, you know it has everything needed to go ahead without your approval.

How to create brief in Mediatool

Rather than flipping back and forth between screens in Mediatool to remember what was in the brief, simply click the Brief menu shortcut inside the plan overview.

Access the brief from your marketing or media plan

Team alignment from the get-go

In Mediatool, conversations are connected to the plan you’re working on and this is the same with Briefing. Subscribe whoever is involved in the brief and they’ll receive notifications when there’s updates. With the rich text editor and creative upload carousel, everyone gets visibility and is kept up to speed at the same time.

Adding users to the brief in Mediatool

This also improves collaboration between not only team members but between brands and external agencies. Simply select who needs to be updated or brief partner agencies directly in Mediatool, to simplify the collaboration process.

Clarity over your plans

With briefs next to your plans, project management is so much easier! Instead of storing information in several tools, searching through systems and folders, Mediatool becomes your one-stop shop for your planning process.

Alongside our Strategic Planning function where you plan future budgets and set targets, Briefing improves clarity and context for all team members involved.

Added security of your briefs

We understand that although everyone in your team might have access to the marketing plan, they might not need access–or might need reduced access–to the brief.

In the Brief, simply choose which level of subscription certain users have, whether that’s admin, editor or viewer. This section also keeps a record of everyone who has been given access and what role they were assigned.

Get creating Briefs!

All Mediatool customers now have access to Briefs. If you need help getting setup, visit our Help Center guide.

Not a customer yet but want to find out more about our platform? Book a demo with our team today.

Create your single source of truth and start making smarter media investment decisions

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